What is emotional cheating, and how do I know it’s happening to me?

When I was cheated on the first time, it was easy. Don’t get me wrong, I was devastated, furious, betrayed- maybe it helped somewhat that this wasn’t the most the serious relationship I’d ever been in, or would ever be in- but I got over it because I knew who to blame.  Of course, our […]

So what’s the deal with virtual sex?

Is it any fun? Should you be doing it? Why, why not?    DICLAIMER: Please be safe online, don’t engage in virtual sex unless you are 18+, and remember that consent is as important online as it is in person. Be safe and have fun!   Virtual sex or Cyber sex has been around for […]

Why don’t we afford Indian mothers sexuality?

Women in India are expected to be wives and mothers, but do they ever really get the chance to express their womanhood beyond that? I  remember back in fifth grade classrooms my girlfriends and I would traipse in, and every week we would whisper among ourselves about the latest development in our lives. One of […]

Let’s Talk About Sex

So, pornography. Yeah, bet you stopped and re-read that for a second. It’s one of those elephants in every online room, lurking around at least one late-night household screen, and of course the little flashes before every illegal streaming of Suits. Yet, even though I’m willing to bet no one reading this line hasn’t actually […]