
STD / STI Awareness Masterclass (FREE)

8 Crore Indians are suffering from sexually transmitted disease and infection. Source – National Institute of Health

That means there’s a good chance that one in twenty people you have talked to/ met has an STD/ STI.

What is STD / STI?

STDs or STIs are the infections that are spread from one person to another through intimate sexual contact. STDs are dangerous because they are easily spread and you cannot tell just by looking at a person if they have STD. 

The implications it has for people who have had more than one relationship or sexual partner.

I see a lot of smart young people making stupid sex decisions. It saddens me to see that our intelligent young people ignore basic safe sex practices in the heat of the moment like foregoing condom use and relying on pulling out method or emergency pills. Lot of people I meet cringe at the idea of using a barrier in oral sex but don’t pause to think that unprotected oral sex can land them in trouble with a new partner. Young people assume that the partner they are dating/ in a sexual relationship is safe

But how do you know that without getting tested since most STDs and STIs have no symptoms?

STIs and STDs are quite common, having one carries a lot of shame and stigma. This stigma is the reason that contributes to the spread of sexually transmitted disease and infection. People are scared to disclose they have an STI because they’re afraid of being judged and also reluctant to get tested for STD/ STI.

Here is what happened to some of my clients who took this risk:

“A teenager girl after her break up started indulging in sexual activities through dating apps. It was fun and games until she realised that her HIV status was positive and she could not even fulfil her dream to become a surgeon unless she kept her load under control. Adding to all this was the burden of stigma around coming out.”

19 year old girl from Delhi

“a lawyer who got to know through his partner’s sti counsellor that his partner was hiv positive and was cheating on him. The news was so much that the person got very suicidal till he was made aware of the fact that he still was negative and there was lot more in life.”

34 year old practicing lawyer in high court (name withheld)

Technology is the culprit but are we alert!

With ease of access to dating due to dating app and social media, we have broader horizons, we don’t need to get stuck with abusive relationships but we haven’t paid as much attention to the cautions that come with our generation’s new found sexual freedom. To guide and to increase awareness around sexually transmitted diseases we present to you this masterclass.

Don’t let seconds of pleasure turn into a lifetime of misery

Sneak Peak into Masterclass


  • Covering STIs and STDs in-depth: how they’re contracted, common symptoms
  • Which sexual activities expose someone to which STIs
  • What is the chance of getting affected through a certain sexual activity
  • What are the consequences of having an infection
  • Should I date someone who has an STI/ STD
  • Which activities are particularly risky and why


  • How to check if the partner you are dating or in a new relationship with has STD/ STI
  • How to talk about STD/STI with a new or current partner
  • Safe-sex practices: How do you protect yourself and mitigate risk


  • What preventative measures are there, and how effective are they?
  • STI and relationships – How to tell my partner that I have an STI
  • Are there treatments that are effective?
  • STD / STI testing information and centers where you can get tested from home

Empower yourself with knowledge and take control of your sexual health. Join our masterclass to learn how to protect yourself and make informed decisions about your relationships. Your well-being is worth it.

  • Date : September 29, 2024
  • Time : 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm (Asia/Kolkata)
  • Venue : online