  • Date : 10th Apr 2022, Sunday
  • Timing : 5 pm to 7 pm
  • Facilitator : Pallavi Barnwal
  • Limited Seats: 20

Body - Mind Weight Management - Workshop

When we face emotional threat, our body responds to that threat by adding protection.

Weight = Mass x Gravity
Mass = volume x density

So weight = Volume x Density x gravity.

We can’t do anything about gravity (maybe go to space – that’s expensive, or to the moon – more so).

We can however do something about density (build more muscle drop the flab) – work outs, burning calories through other means and nutrition are some of the ways in which we attempt to control density.

Volume is a mental game. Evolutionary psychology works here. A bigger animal is safer and smaller animals will not bother it. So it’s animal tendency to build volume (if you lack strength and teeth). If you see yourself as capable of defending yourself – you will be happy with your volume. If you aren’t – you will (unconsciously) build up volume. On the other hand, if you want to avoid detection – you will propel cell necrosis and whatever you may do in terms of nutrition and work outs, you will keep dropping volume.

– Col. Sudip Mukerjee

The Body Weight workshop is about everything related to body weight. Weight gain, loss, uncovering emotional reasons that lead to weight gain.

The knowledge used will be from neuroscience, linguistics and evolutionary psychology. And of course the Mind Body connection.

This workshop covers:

1. Understanding emotional obesity
2. Your core beliefs that lead to fat accumulation
3. Release the destructive and unresolved feelings of the unconscious mind and the associated weight
4. Learn a daily ritual of emotional health for lifelong weight management