Everything You Need to Know About Small Penis Sizes

Updated on October 15, 2024
Table of Contents

How many times have you found yourself stressing so much about your penis size? Is it big enough? Will my potential partner be satisfied with my size? What if I don’t satisfy my partner? Can I be good in bed even if I have a small penis size?

Well, if you have been having these thoughts, you’re not alone. So many guys keep wondering about these very same questions. Well, it’s finally time to get some answers. Let’s address all your average penis size concerns and clear up all the myths and misconceptions around it.

What is the Average Penis Size?

Okay, before diving into the exact answer, let’s set some context first. After so many years, why do we still get tangled in the questions about a good penis size? Well, that’s because determining the exact penis size has not been a simple road. It’s way more complicated than you could have imagined.

To be fair, multiple studies have happened in the past – but with genuine and big flaws. For eg: A few studies relied on the method of self-reporting, which raises a concern – ‘are men reporting the correct accurate measure or giving a slightly higher number?’ Alternatively, is it possible that only the men who have a larger than average penis size would have wanted to participate? All these real problems made it very difficult to actually trust the answers.

But after so long and so many attempts, we’ve been able to successfully get some answers. A large-scale study that is published in the British Journal of Urology International actually collected and analyzed over 15,000 measurements from all around the world. And drumroll please, the average erect penis length is approximately 13.1 cm, which is about 5.2 inches. The average penis circumference is around 11.6 cm.

And you know why I trust this study? Well, firstly because the measurements were taken by health professionals. So, there was no exaggeration and no space for any guesswork. Secondly, over 20 countries were a part of this study – thus taking cultural nuances into account too.

Now that I’ve answered the question about average penis size, it’s time to answer your second most important question : 

Do Women Really Prefer Men with a Large Penis?

As sad as it is, the media (and I’m giving a strong side-eye to the porn industry in particular) have messed with our heads here. They have focussed on large penis sizes and visually represented women to be satisfied only and only with large penis size. But well, is it even accurate and true?

Time to burst the bubble: Most studies show that most heterosexual women do not agree to the ‘bigger is better’ mantra. On the contrary, they report mostly being happy and satisfied with the size of their partner. Infact, to burst the second bubble : women have reported over and over that size has little to no impact on whether she will have an orgasm. When asked about their preference for an ideal size, most women gravitate toward an average penis size, instead of an extra large one.

So the next time you get too worried about if you have a small penis size, I want you to remember one thing – A woman’s sexual satisfaction does not depend only on your penis size. There are factors that are way more important – like your emotional connection, trust, communication, and the undeniable spark. If you’re truly focused on understanding what makes your partner feel good, you’re already halfway there.

However, the sad reality still remains that a lot of men face very real sexual performance anxiety and other psychological impacts because of their insecurities about a small penis size. Self-esteem and penis size are super interconnected for a lot of men. And capitalism has taken strong advantage of this. They’ve come out with a series of penis enlargement methods – like male enhancement pills and micropenis treatments to ‘fix’ you. But do they actually work? Let’s find out.

The Scam of Male Enhancement Products

If you do a quick internet search for male enhancement products, you’ll come across a lot of options. There are pills and supplements, multiple treatments, and medicines. I’ve also come across pumps that promise to add an extra inch. However, I searched far and wide – scoured one study after another, but surprise surprise – I couldn’t come across any reputable and credible scientific journal that confirms the results of such products.

If you look at things realistically, the chances of growth in penis size after puberty are incredibly slim. There are quite a few surgical options for penile enlargement, but they all come with risks and potential complications. And trust me, those risks far outweigh the benefits.

So instead of trying to change your size,  remember to love yourself a little more. Embrace what you do have. You’re worth so much more than your size, and I promise you – a good partner will see that too.

And that’s exactly what I would like to leave you with. Sexually satisfying a woman isn’t something that you can measure in inches. Small penis size has been the topic of discussion and a reason for anxiety for ages and ages. But it’s time to start changing that together. The actual key to satisfying a woman genuinely and truly lies in the 4Cs: consent, comfort, connection, and communication that you build and establish with your partner. That’s what leads to fulfilling intimate experiences – and it will be a far bigger number than what your ruler can measure. The next time you see sexual performance anxiety kicking in: I hope you remember this. I hope you remember that you’re a lot more than the number of inches. I hope you focus on what’s within your control, and what really counts 😊

Last reviewed on October 15, 2024

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