
How Often Should You Have Sex?

My clients and followers often ask me, how much sex should we be having? Can there be a numbered answer to it? Should it be twice or thrice a week? Or more?. Sex works for different people in a different way. It’s the classic chicken and egg dilemma. What comes first – happiness or frequent […]

Kamakhya Yoni Devipuram – Goddess in The Form of Female Genital Organ

Sex has always been touted as something dirty in our culture. We do not discuss sex in open, we have sex behind the closed doors in our bedroom in utmost privacy. Our men hush the females when they exclaim in excitement. We feel shy when our kids ask queries about their genital organs or from […]

Five Dimensions of Erotic Touch

The essence of sexuality is giving and receiving pleasure-oriented touching. It happens both inside and outside the bedroom. Touching is valued for itself and need not always lead to intercourse. Couples who want to maintain a vital sexual relationship would benefit greatly from the metaphor of touching consisting of “five gears” (dimensions). ·  Affectionate Touch […]