Take a 90 Day Probation Period to Date

My friend Ann recently shared in a closed group that she has grown selective aboutletting a man access her body. Ann was not always like that, free-spirited and wildare some of the adjectives that suit her perfectly. At point in her life she had multiplesexual partners and confided to me that she would jump from […]

So You Want To Take Texting to The Next Level?

Anisha (name changed) lives in Nagpur, while her boyfriend has been living in Mumbai for the last few years. Apart from occasional visits, the two rarely get to see or touch each other in person. ‘It is difficult, we’ve been doing long-distance for four years. Sometimes I miss him a lot, I miss even simple […]

Rejection is okay. Sexual entitlement isn’t.

On most nights, I like to listen to music and walk around my building for some movement and exercise. I usually go a little late into the night, when it is quiet and peaceful and everything is dark. I enjoy the solitude of the night. How the night is uninterrupted by anything. Anything, except well… […]

A limited introduction to the world of Fetishes, and what you may misunderstand.

There’s something about the word itself that makes us recoil- fetish. In our society, it’s difficult as is to talk about sex openly. If at all we must discuss our proclivities, they have to fall in line with the mainstream narrative of sex, which is to say, a heterosexual, penetrative, and otherwise unremarkable type of […]

What is emotional cheating, and how do I know it’s happening to me?

When I was cheated on the first time, it was easy. Don’t get me wrong, I was devastated, furious, betrayed- maybe it helped somewhat that this wasn’t the most the serious relationship I’d ever been in, or would ever be in- but I got over it because I knew who to blame.  Of course, our […]

So what’s the deal with virtual sex?

Is it any fun? Should you be doing it? Why, why not?  DICLAIMER: Please be safe online, don’t engage in virtual sex unless you are 18+, and remember that consent is as important online as it is in person. Be safe and have fun! Virtual sex or Cyber sex has been around for as long […]

Confronting the male female sexual double standard

When people ask me about my relationship history, I look back in time and find my first relationship beginning at the age of 23. Quite late, considering the teenage hormonal rush, we all go through that time of puberty where our bodies are changing and sex hormone levels rising. Crushes are a normal thing at […]

Complaint is a longing for connection

A client of mine once shared his marriage travails with me: When I change the TV Serial channel to some other channel, my wife fights with me. Having complaints about each other in a relationship is normal. The problem arises when you have the same complaint over and over again for your partner. A lingering […]

Sex Games To Spice Things Up In the Bedroom

A healthy, happy sex life requires many things: communication, vulnerability, trust, and honesty. But what if you already have a solid foundation of intimacy and still want to take things a step further? After all, adding a bit of spice, excitement, and naughtiness never hurt anyone! If that’s what you’re looking for, you’re in the […]